lördag 4 augusti 2007

Some words from the author.

Today I won't post a poem but instead I want to talk about this project.

I started this project as a little hobby for my brain, just outlining basic relationships between characters I made up. And one night I sat down and wrote my first poem about John Firth, in the big picture he isn't a major characthers because I felt I wanted to start off easy with just shallow aquaintences to Sarah. C.
I am still there.

I have realized that it will take some time to complete this project, but I (still) love working on it, everyday getting closer and closer to finding out the true nature of Sarah (cause, to be honest, I have no idea she will come out in the end).

There, I'm done.

But look out for more messages from me. I will post them as I go along.

Before I leave you though, I want to show you guys the worksheet I'm using right now. I keep it to remember all the relationship in this "universe". It will expand and change very much before I'm done with it though.

Take a look.

Goodbye for now!

/Jon Gustav

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